Beijing To Help Stabilise Afghanistan Are Growing

We all heard the slogans “No More War” and “Veal for Democracy” during the periods of the US military presence in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Now we see a new demand from the international community to help stabilise Afghanistan before it is too late. It is evident that the government of President Obama has not learnt the lessons from past mistakes. This is understandable considering the huge investment that Australia invested in building up the country’s own National Security Forces.

However, the demand from the international community to help stabilise Afghanistan are growing. In fact, it is not just the governments of the countries involved in the country’s politics that are calling for such a solution. International organisations and businesses are also getting involved. And why not? After all, China was one of the biggest investors in the country’s economic development and it has proved itself time and again that it is not shy about lending its support to the successful business ventures in Afghanistan.

The demand on Beijing to help stabilise Afghanistan are growing because it is clear that the political government in the country is unable to deliver on its promises to the people of Afghanistan. The recent presidential election in Afghanistan was a lesson for the international community on how not to elect corrupt leaders. Although there was an election, many of the candidates who won did not serve the national interest of their country. It is therefore important that we look at what the government has been doing to build up its credibility. After all, credibility goes a long way in helping you retain peace.

So what are the Demands on Beijing to help stabilise Afghanistan? Firstly, it is obvious that China is worried about the security of its people. This explains its consistent support to the Afghan regime and its continued investment in infrastructure projects that can improve the living conditions of the people. In addition, China has also repeatedly called for an end to the fighting in Afghanistan and it calls for an inclusive and democratic government in Afghanistan. At the same time, it has also requested the international community to contribute more to the effort.

Secondly, the Demands on Beijing to help stabilise Afghanistan are growing because China needs a stable partner in the country after it comes out of the global recession. What is ironic is that during the time of the recession, China was the one who was looking for such a partner to help counterbalance the US. However, with the US pulling out all the stops to win the Iraq war, now it seems that the US has turned its back on China. This may be a double edged sword. However, the US is certainly losing the Afghanistan conflict and this may prompt the Chinese to take advantage of the situation to strengthen their military presence in Afghanistan.

The third and the most important reason why the Demands on Beijing to help stabilise Afghanistan is growing is that China will be the largest investor in this pipeline project. That means they will not only be playing a key role in stabilising the country, but they will also be providing the cash that is required to complete the pipeline project. That is a very powerful incentive for the Chinese government to support the demand from Beijing to help stabilise Afghanistan. If the Chinese do not play their cards right, the demand for additional Chinese investment in the pipeline project could lead to a seriously weakened Chinese economy.

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